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2023-03-20 浏览:





is the of to learn about the by or means. A is to have the to learn about the past, , or . Some they can learn the of past . For , if a has died , the is to be able to tell when, where, and how the died. Other , , claim they can find the of water. Still they can , such as when a will die or whom a will marry.

There are many kinds of . Some try to learn about the by with the of the dead. is an to by the of the sun, the moon and stars. Some to . to know one’s by the lines on the palm of one’s hand. Some are to be able to see, in their balls, of that in the past, are at or are going to in the .

in the West once used to the guilt or of . in a trial was an . For , in many witch of the 17th in and , a witch was tied up and into water. If she sank, she was . If she , she was a witch – and was .




